Responsibility for contents and editing
Institute of Genetic Epidemiology
Department of Genetics
Medical University of Innsbruck
Schöpfstrasse 3
6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
Tel. +43 (0)512 9003-70560
Data Protection Officer of the Medical University of Innsbruck
Mag. Georg Fellner
Privace Statement
You can find the privacy statement of the Medical University of Innsbruck here (German only).
UID numbers of the Medical University of Innsbruck
ATU 57495455 for the overall Medical University of Innsbruck and §27 projects.
ATU 57495534 for §26 projects only.
Impressum of the Medical University of Innsbruck
Please also have a look at the full impressum of the Medical University of Innsbruck (German only).