PhD - Medical science
(SS 2022)
Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing data analysis
- Stefan Coassin , PhD
- Sebastian Schönherr , Dr.techn.
Overall Aim
Basic knowledge in Genetics and and Computational Biology is needed to run genetic analyses and interpret results. The goal of this course is to give students insights in both areas and present them a blueprint for large-scale studies.
- Introduction on second generation (Illumina, IonTorrent) and third generation sequencing technologies.
- Linux, command-line, workflows, Nextflow
- Steps of second generation sequencing (NGS) data processing.
- Introduction to third generation Nanopore (ONT MinION) sequencing
- Available reference data sets and bioinformatic prediction of variant effects
- Exemplary data analysis tasks
- How to manage command line code and create reproducible analyses