PhD - Medical science
(WS 2022)
Basic Statistics and Epidemiology for Non-Clinical PhD (AF)
- Barbara Kollerits , PhD, MPH
Students will learn about data types, data management, statistical terms and definitions and principles of statistical testing, point and confidence estimates, basic tests as well as epidemiological indices, study designs and risk estimation. This lecture includes demonstration in SPSS plus exercises.
General information
This lecture will primarily take place online. There will be the opportunity to ask questions and work on the exercises in a booked PC room at three selected dates. There will be links available to download the lecture as a video (there will be three videos). In parallel, pdf slides of all parts of the lecture including SPSS screenshots will be available and send out to the students as well as all datasets so that students can do all things discussed in the videos on their own. The pdf slides, videos and all other material needed will be available by end of October (28.10.2022).
There will be three optional meetings where students can directly work on the exercises in the PC room at the Department of Medical Statistics, Informatics and Health Economics, Schöpfstraße 41, first floor and can ask their questions. The PC room is booked at three dates:
- Friday, 18.11.2022 09:30-11:00
- Friday, 16.12.2022 09:30-11:00
- Wednesday, 18.1.2023 09:30-11:00
There will also be the possibility to contact me via mail at any time and ask questions. At the end of the lecture, each student will get a detailed feedback concerning the exercises.
Date to send the completed exercises