
Lipoprotein(a) Epidemiology

Lead: Florian Kronenberg   
Co-Lead: Claudia Lamina    Barbara Kollerits   

Although Lp(a) is well established as a causal risk factor for cardiovascular disease, many questions still deserve further research. We are interested in the genetic and non-genetic factors which are influencing Lp(a) concentrations.

Highlighted Publications

Lipoprotein(a) Genomics

Lead: Stefan Coassin   
Co-Lead: Florian Kronenberg    Sebastian Schönherr   

We are interested in understanding how genetic variants in LPA contribute to the huge variance in lipoprotein(a) concentrations observed between individuals and across ancestries.

Highlighted Publications

Computational and Digital Genomics

Lead: Sebastian Schönherr   

We develop computational tools to identify genetic and non-genetic risk factors associated with chronic diseases, using large biobank-scale datasets.

Highlighted Projects

Highlighted Publications

Genome Informatics

Lead: Lukas Forer   
Co-Lead: Florian Kronenberg   

We develop and use innovative informatics approaches like machine learning technologies to advance our understanding of genomics.

Highlighted Projects

Highlighted Publications

  • Das S*, Forer L*, Schönherr S*, Sidore C, Locke AE, Kwong A, Vrieze SI, Chew EY, Levy S, McGue M, Schlessinger D, Stambolian D, Loh PR, Iacono WG, Swaroop A, Scott LJ, Cucca F, Kronenberg F, Boehnke M, Abecasis GR, Fuchsberger C: Next-generation genotype imputation service and methods. Nat. Genet. 48:1284-1287, 2016. PMID: 27571263   Journal Article

Mitochondrial Genomics

Lead: Sebastian Schönherr    Hansi Weissensteiner   
Co-Lead: Lukas Forer    Florian Kronenberg   

We contribute to advance our understanding of mitochondrial genomes and their role in human health and disease. Besides developing and providing tools for mtDNA analysis to the research community, we also investigate mtDNA changes on various levels in different disease/phenotypes.

Highlighted Publications


Lead: Florian Kronenberg   
Co-Lead: Claudia Lamina    Barbara Kollerits    Hans Dieplinger   

We investigate several biomarkers in the context of complex diseases such as atherosclerosis or chronic kidney disease.

Highlighted Projects

Highlighted Publications

Contributions to Guideline and Consensus Papers

Lead: Florian Kronenberg   

Epidemiological and genetic expertise on e.g. lipoproteins as well as chronic kidney disease resulted in several contributions in working groups of guidelines and consensus papers.

Highlighted Publications